Member-only story
I had been really excited about finally seeing real magic!
Venturing into a cave and reciting an old Welsh spell of making, made me realize that there was more to life than meets the eye.
After that one genuine experience, I was hungry for more truth. So I thought, ‘Why not blow the doors right off the Otherworld and go for the Dragon calling?’
Yet, my mentor put the brakes on my noble ambitions before I could head out for the endeavor. He warned against unwelcome results if I went too far too fast. A younger me may have ignored his caution, but luckily, I learned the extremely important skill of listening about ten years prior.
“Okay, okay,” my old friend Woody would say, “just slow down!”
At that point I would be interrupting his dialogue with my own, assuming I knew where his advice was headed.
“You need to learn to listen!” he said, soundly.
I paused and remembered something I read about people subconsciously waiting for an opportunity to speak rather than processing what the other person was actually saying.
“You always do that! Every time I start saying something that you think you know, you break in and try and finish my thought!” he stopped momentarily to see if I…