The First Love Story

Lichens: A true symbiotic love affair

Jay Horne


Image by the author assisted by Dall-e

There is a save soil movement taking the world by storm, headed up by Sadhguru and his ISHA Institue of Inner Sciences. People want a good life, that much is clear. I, for one, would love to feel as blissed out every day as when I visited the ISHA Institue last month. But why the big deal about soil?

If you have ever read Merlin Sheldrake’s book on Mushrooms, you will likely find it hard to shake all those mycellium organisms beneath your feet, relying on one another to reproduce. Survive. Grow. Evolve. And yes, in billions and billions of years, become US!

Or was it that they had already become us and were now working with us in some sentient way?

I mean, what greater love story than of that of the very first organisms to produce oxygen on the planet?

Few know that cyanobacterium and fungi were the first love affair of creation, not as one would think, Adam and Eve. Though the union is a bit school grade puppy love.

On scorched Earth, super heated rocks teamed with organisms vying for their lives but dying in each instant. A cyanobacterium, also known as a blue green alga, would blip into existence, with the ability to split water molecules into oxygen and…



Jay Horne

Jay has been publishing for 12 years but was writing creatively since just a tike. His writing has matured but most of it is immature like Terry Pratchett's.