Coulda Been

Jay Horne
Jan 22, 2024
old man’s eyes
Image created with Dall-e by the Author

I coulda been a ninja. I could have been a clown.
Coulda been a lot of things, looking back from now.

I could have been a singer, maybe a Navy Seal.
Better husband, son, or nephew. But, I’ve never served a better meal.

I coulda been an astronaut or an architect… But looking back, I can’t regret.
I’d never made a better bet.

I coulda been a Jay. Or I might have been a Matt. But both together struck a chord and now I wear the hat.

I coulda been a lot of things that sometimes make me sad.

But all the things I have yet become will make a better Dad.




Jay Horne

Jay has been publishing for 12 years but was writing creatively since just a tike. His writing has matured but most of it is immature like Terry Pratchett's.