Basic Instincts

What is truly our base?

Jay Horne


Image Created by the Author | Copyright Bookflurry Inc. 2021

I recently read a post from a computer programmer who used to sell code on the net.

He said it was a good experience in gauging how humans might react when they obtained everything they ever wanted. His watching the creation of a virtual utopia gave him the insight to say,

“Once everyone had unlimited virtual money and such, most of the players just wanted simulated sex and things of that nature.”

He said, “I tend to think that real life might be the same, get everything you want, and then you’ll just revert back to your base instincts…”

My question is, “Sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll… is that our base instincts?”

I mean. Sex is great, right?

If you’re lucky enough to have ‘unsimulated relations’ it’s the epitome of life. Best experience ever: a temporary feeling of heaven and ecstasy.

But right afterward, in the words of Sylvester Stallone as Demolition Man, “It leads to kids, smoking, and a desire to raid the fridge.”

All the things that genuinely begin killing us.



Jay Horne
Jay Horne

Written by Jay Horne

Jay has been publishing for 12 years but was writing creatively since just a tike. His writing has matured but most of it is immature like Terry Pratchett's.

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